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Tuesday, 2 January 2018


Here and again, 2017 is fading back into the curtains, making way for the New Year.

It may be a cliché to write a new year’s post, but I'm still going to do it anyway. It has been a long time since I last reflected on my past year. Things and time seem to zoom by really quickly, especially at the end of the year, with all the parties, celebrations and holidays going on.

That being said, 2017 has been one hell of a ride but it has also been a wonderful one. It started with me being too comfortable with where I was in my life, which eventually led me feeling like a caged bird and I was really bummed out. Things took a turn with boyfriend’s constant encouragement and support when I decided that it was time for a change. I managed to try and did things that I never knew I would and accomplished things that I have procrastinated for a long time.

I had my convocation (I officially graduated!), finally started a blog, got my LASIK surgery (procedure: transPRK epiLASIK) done and is currently 6 months into my perfect eyesight and ever loving it, did kickboxing, tried yoga, went on five vacations, got offered a job in a role that I wanted ,and before 2017 came to an end, I quit my 1st job.

Group photo after our graduation ceremony.

Before Dr. Tony Ho starts the procedure.

Cruising along Halong Bay.

Authentic Vietnamese cuisine at Hanoi.

Glamping for the first time at The Canopi. 

Boating towards Batam for our firm's trip.

The first to get married in our clique.

Christmas like every other year with my favourite girls.

In all, although 2017 had started out being stagnant, it gradually became one that is filled with many changes, challenges, confusion, uncertainties and decisions to be made. Eventually, it ended with a major change in my career path. It certainly felt scary but I’ve never felt more alive. It feels like I got out of the cage that I've imprisoned myself in and started taking charge of my life instead of cruising along with it.

Words of appreciation, thankfulness and gratefulness are definitely not enough to describe how I feel for all the endless encouragement, support and love I received from my family, especially my man, who has definitely made me a better person and made every journey ever more incredible and fabulous.

Goodbye 2017. Hello 2018! Time for more adventures.